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Curso en Portugal para emprendedores sociales

¡Buscamos participantes! Si quieres participar en un proyecto con jóvenes de Rumanía, Polonia, Italia, Grecia y Portugal para explorar las posibilidades que ofrece la economía social a la hora de autoemplearte en el sur de Portugal…¡Participa en este proyecto!

Título: Ideas in Action

 ¿Cuándo? del 26 de octubre al 3 de noviembre 2015

Participantes España: 2 participantes mayores de 18 años interesados en la temática

 ¿Dónde? Silves. Portugal


Unemployment, specially youth unemployment, is one of the major social concerns in Europe. This issue becomes more important in the countries where a stagnant economy with no growth prospects is unable to provide jobs for its people. The lack of employment opportunities in many countries makes talk of a lost generation. However, as consequence of the jobs crisis, more and more young are exploring an option of self-employment. Within these options gain strength cooperative models of organization based in peer collaboration and in the economy with «human face». However, the social economy offers an opportunity for future that is still unknown to most of young people and many of them are still unaware of the advantages of undertaking seeking not only financial performance but also social.
Ideas in Action is a project which aims to spread the concept of social entrepreneurship among youngsters from six different countries. For 7 workdays we’ll gather 24 young people from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Romania and Greece in order to create a space for exchanging experiences and inspiration. Nicentbatcardta . Ideas in Action is a project created to promote and encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of our participants and by extension their communities of origin. We aim to encourage and reinforce this feeling in the young people, so that they can consider entrepreneurship with social sensibilities not only as a citizenship responsibility but also as an opportunity for job creation With this objective in mind we’ll organize presentations, field visits, group work and dynamics in sessions aimed at sharing ideas and translate them into concrete projects.

-Spread the concept of social entrepreneurship among European youth developing projects involving various national and international realities.
-Share knowledge on the different aspects of an action plan referred to a juvenile or social enterprise initiative, and the process of creation (legal paperwork, fundraising, practices and characteristics of different initiatives, projects, etc.)
-Share experiences and best practices on various social initiatives, especially those driven by youth.
-Establish a network of European work within which young people can develop projects and generate synergies in social entrepreneurship -Promote different European programs for youth (especially Erasmus plus) as an opportunity that allows young people to put their ideas into practice to improve the situation in their own communities.

Condiciones de participación

  • El proyecto cubre el 100% del alojamiento y manutención durante su duración.
  • El importe del transporte está cubierto hasta 275€.
  • Es necesario ser socio del Xeración Team (cuota anual de 10 euros)

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