[vc_row fullwidth=»true»][vc_column][mk_page_title_box page_title=»nohate.mp4″ page_subtitle=»Videos against hate» bg_image=»https://xeracion.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/pexels-photo-403495.jpeg» bg_stretch=»true» bg_effects=»parallax» font_color=»#dddddd» underline=»false»][mk_padding_divider][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many organisations in the third sector are failing when it comes the time to promote or disseminate their activities. Very low budgets, voluntary work and, specially, lack of technical skills make that the contents they produce very often doesn’t make the impact it was hoped. Launching a campaign is easy, but creating an efficient, effective and professional campaign with high quality contents requires
knowledge, skills and hard work.
Does it sound you familiar?
In one hand we have this amateur social campaigns and in the other exists a lot of examples of viral contents that spread a hate message along the continent. Videos, articles, memes… teaching intolerance against everyone who’s different. Unfortunately a lot of this contents reach successfully a youth public transmitting them homophobic, xenophobic or sexist ideas. That’s why we want to create a “guerrilla” of skilled and motivated youth leaders able to spread efficiently their positive messages and thus fight intolerance.
We created “nohate.mp4” as a learning opportunity for 24 youth workers and leaders as you who wish to improve their communication skills for the benefit of their social projects. They will come from 10 European countries (2 pax per partner country). Together will learn how to create quality promo and social campaigns on a tight budget from trainers with experience in the movie industry.
Under their guidance, you will:
– find and analyze different kind of hate messages existing all around Europe
– be inspired by low cost viral campaigns with a positive message
– discover how to set up an effective communicational strategy in their projects/organizations
– learn how to communicate successfully producing high quality videos with low budget
– have the opportunity to create viral content during the activities to promote no hate speech
The training methods used will be ‘non-formal’. So be ready not only to attend sessions but to take part actively in the different activities proposed. Your learning process will flow through interactive sessions, debates, meetings with the local community and a lot of teamwork to design and create several contents as leaflets, videos, webs… Thus you’ll be prepared to promote your projects efficiently online and ready to fight hate speech though high quality campaigns.
Are you…
– youth worker or group leader
– interested on improving your video production and communication skills.
– active in your organisation and willing to promote the outcomes of the project at your local community.
– motivated to learn and participate during the whole project (which means also before and after the
– able to communicate fluently in English
– resident in Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden or Germany
If you answered yes this project is made for you
We’re Xeración a network of Spanish non-profit organizations formed by young people with a common vision. Since 2013 we work spreading a new youth culture: more European, tolerant and with equal opportunities. Our aims are the promotion of volunteering and cooperation projects, dissemination of sustainable development and the support of International youth mobility. To reach that objectives we organize regular activities such workshops, presentations, cultural trips and language exchanges.
You can find more about us at xeracion.org
The course will take place in September 2016 at Lugo (Spain). To get there you can consider the following airports: Santiago de Compostela (51km), Vigo (60km) and Porto (120km)
The activity will last for 5 working days. Travelling days are 4th and 10th September
Thanks to Erasmus+ programme accommodation and meals will be provided as part of the project cost. Regarding your travel expenses will be fully reimbursed via bank transfer after the presentation of all tickets with the following restrictions:
– Cheapest way of public transportation (taxis or business class tickets are not allowed)
– Arrival and departure to/from Spain are maximum 2 days before or after the project
– The limit for reimbursement are 275€ for Germany and Portugal and 360€ for the rest of partner countries. Spanish participants are not eligible for travel reimbursement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row fullwidth=»true»][vc_column][mk_button size=»xx-large» url=»https://xeracion.typeform.com/to/ERZBxD» target=»_blank» align=»center» fullwidth=»true» margin_bottom=»0″]APPLY NOW![/mk_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]