(Youth for Environmental Activities and Help)
Youth for Environmental Activities and Help (YEAH) is a Volunteering Team in High Priority Areas initiative under European Solidarity Corps programme. It focuses on environmental care and raising awareness about coastal ecosystems destruction among the local community at Ferrol (Spain).
The project is designed to gather around 40 young adults from all around Europe (4 mobilities of 12 volunteers) with the will to work together on environment reconstruction actions while sharing ideas and good practices. Volunteers will get new knowledge about gardening, skills connected with teamwork and a more sensitive attitude towards the threats the sea and the coasts in Europe are facing. The project is also designed to build a network of youth at the national and international levels to work together towards a more sustainable future with respect to the planet. We expect participants to disseminate results of the project in a shape of new environmental interventions in their respective countries.
The knowledge, skills and attitudes you can get with this ESC project
(depending on the mobility you choose)
– Develop your environmental awareness
– Develop your capacity to raise awareness on environmental matters
– Discover valuable and inspiring real-life experiences
– Discover tips and tricks to have a more ecological way of life
– Recognize some plants and value their benefits/negative impact on the local environment.
– Develop your capacity to raise awareness on environmental matters
– Discover valuable and inspiring real-life experiences
– Discover tips and tricks to have a more ecological way of life
– Recognize some plants and value their benefits/negative impact on the local environment.
– Learn how to grow a tiny forest following the Miyawaki technique
– Learn how to organize environmental activities
– Learn how to take care of a community garden
– Develop your creativity and express yourself through art (videos, pictures, texts, sculptures, paintings…)
– Public speaking and facilitation skills (facilitation of a workshop)
– Team work
– Intercultural dialogue
– Risk management (especially for the participants joining the APV)
– Risk management (especially for the participants joining the APV)
General profile
– Age between 18 and 30 years old
– Having a fluent level in English
– Coming from one of project’s partner countries (see below)
– Fully available for the 2 weeks of the mobility they are interested in and willing to travel to Spain
– Having an strong interest in the environmental topic
– Registered on the European Youth Platform
– Ready to actively participate to the different sessions of the project
– Special criterion for the volunteers of the last mobility: having a strong interest in any kinds of art that could be useful for an exhibition on the environment. An interest in communication tools can also be an asset.
– For each mobility, we will reserve at least one vacancy to prioritize the participation of a youngster with fewer opportunities (socio-economical, geographical… obstacles).
From which countries?
1) An enriching volunteering experience
All the participants that will complete the volunteering project will be given an official Youthpass Certificate that can be valued on the Labour Market.
The participants will be given the chance to have a direct and visible impact on the local environment and community.
The participants will be strongly encouraged to add their personal contribution to the project by sharing their own suggestions, ideas, points of view and creativity with the others.
2) A fully covered project
Up to the limit defined by the European Commission for your country of origin.
Remark: In case you don’t reach this limit with your transportation tickets, the leftover money can also be used to pay the PCR test necessary to enter Spain.
A shared flat with some other volunteers of the project.
Remark: In case it’s needed, this can also imply sharing a room with a volunteer of the same sex.
The participants will have to arrange their own food. To do so, they will be given 10€/day.
Remark : Ferrol being a pretty cheap city, this money can definitely be enough to cover the food costs.
Curious about the project?
Have a look at our promotional video to get a better idea of what to expect when joining the project!
How to apply?
Get in touch with our partner localised in your country of residence and let them know that you are interested in joining the project
«YEAH» organized by the association Xeración…